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How to Stop Hair Loss and Regrow Hair Naturally?

How to Stop Hair Loss and Regrow Hair Naturally?

How to Stop Hair Loss and Regrow Hair Naturally?
How to Stop Hair Loss and Regrow Hair Naturally?
Photo by Freepik

Hair loss is when a person experiences significant hair loss out of the blue. Generally, humans shed like 50 to 100 strands of hair per day. However, this is supposed to be balanced by 90% growth. But this requires active follicles such that fresh growths replace the falling strands. Hair loss happens when new growths are insufficient to replace all the hair you shed daily.

Hair loss affects at least one in every two women. If you’re experiencing this condition, you’ll see more hairs remain on your comb, sink, or shower floor after brushing or washing.

It often results in thinner hair patches, missing hair, visible scalps, and smaller and smaller ponytails. In such cases, you should seek the help of an experienced dermatologist to diagnose and treat the problem if possible. 

Hair Loss Diagnosis and Tests

There are many ways to diagnose and test for signs of hair loss. Your dermatologist will pull some of your hair to see how easily they come out, then test your blood tests for hormone levels and minerals such as zinc, iron, and vitamins B and D. 

They’ll also examine your scalp under a microscope and even remove a small piece of the skin for examination. Expect to answer some questions to help the expert determine what kind of hair loss you are facing. 

There are many types of hair loss, including. 

  • Anagen effluvium. A condition caused by poisoned hair follicles due to medication like chemotherapy
  • Traction alopecia (damaged hair follicles)
  • Telogen effluvium (resting hair follicles)
  • Androgenetic alopecia, a.k.a female pattern baldness due to age, menopause, and genetic factors

Hair Loss Treatment and Prevention

Depending on the diagnosis, it may or may not be possible to treat and prevent your hair loss problem. Here’s a look at standard solutions to stop hair loss and regrow hair naturally.

Avoiding Bad Hairstyling Practices

You can stop hair loss due to tight braids, cornrows, ponytails, and other hairstyles that pull the roots and damage follicles by avoiding these hairstyling practices completely. 

Using Medication for Hormonal Imbalances

Another type of preventable hair loss is when it happens due to hormonal imbalances due to extreme physical and emotional stress caused by events such as mental illness, loss of a loved one, anemia, weight loss, surgery, abnormal thyroid, smoking, gout medication, high vitamin A intake or pregnancy and delivery. 

In such cases, you may be given medication to address the imbalance. Alternatively, the dermatologist may advise you to leave the condition to resolve on its own, sparring you from the extra costs.

Dietary Supplements

In cases of nutritional deficiencies, for example, when you’ve been going ham on refined sugar and carbs, dairy products, alcohol, or mercury-rich fish, you may be prescribed a daily supplement of biotin, multivitamins, and zinc to remedy the condition. 


Women can use rogaine, aka minoxidil, to fight thinning hair problems. The FPHL approves this vasodilator, and it is available in 2% and 5% solutions. It’s designed to boost blood flow around hair follicles, widen them, and stimulate hair growth. You can use it to remedy hair loss after giving birth, hitting menopause, or experiencing patchy hair loss due to an autoimmune disease. 

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Protein-rich Plasma Injections

Another alternative involves using protein-rich plasma (PRP). The doctor draws some blood from your body to make this substance. It comprises concentrated platelets used to activate and improve blood flow to the hair follicles.


Microneedling is another solution for combating hair loss. It involves using pins to poke the scalp and stimulate the production of healing elastin and collagen. It can be done with or without topical solutions.  

Lifestyle Changes

Apart from the above expert-administered solutions, you can take a DIY approach to giving your body and hair some TLC. Basically, hair requires a healthy diet and a well-functioning endocrine system to flourish. Therefore, eat a healthy diet and avoid stress, alcohol, smoking, and hairstyling that are bad for your roots.

Scalp Massaging and Targeted Tonic Treatment

Also, consider DIY hair treatment devices such as our world-class IntelliMist Rootique hair care device for massaging your scalp and delivering tonics to targeted roots for wholesome growth. 

To summarize, it’s absolutely possible to stop hair loss and grow it back naturally when it’s not a result of aging, disease, genetic factors, injuries, or other physical stressors. Indeed, you can stop hair loss due to tight hairstyles, bad chemicals, and hormonal and chemical imbalances. Use the tips mentioned above to care for your hair.

If you are ready for hair regrowth therapies, check our website for world-class solutions you can try yourself to get your hair and confidence back: 

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