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What Is an IP Claim on Amazon?

What Is an IP Claim on Amazon?

What Is an IP Claim on Amazon?
What Is an IP Claim on Amazon?
Image source: Unsplash

An IP claim on Amazon is a formal complaint filed by a brand owner alleging another seller of infringing on their intellectual property rights. This system allows brand owners to prevent others from using their trademarks, copyrights, or patents without permission on the platform.

A brand owner can notify Amazon of a possible infringement of their IP rights by filing a formal complaint. Amazon has clarified that it will promptly respond to and resolve these claims as part of its measures to protect brands. To learn everything there is to know about IP protection, check out this Amazon intellectual property guide.

Types of IP Claims on Amazon

Intellectual property claims on Amazon can take various forms based on the allegedly infringed IP types. Some common forms of IP claims are as follows:


These shield the unique words, phrases, symbols, or logos that make your business stand out. Unauthorized use of your brand’s name or logo in another product title or product listing on Amazon is an example of trademark infringement.


This safeguards creative text, designs, or photographs that are the original creations of their respective authors. On Amazon, copyright infringement can take many forms, such as selling fake products that are exact replicas of legitimate ones, using another brand’s copyrighted images without authorization, or plagiarizing their product descriptions.


Patents safeguard novel ideas and procedures. Although patent infringement is less prevalent on Amazon than copyrights and trademarks, it still happens when a seller sells items incorporating your patented technology or design without obtaining the necessary licenses.

How Do IP Claims Work on Amazon?

Knowing the steps to take to initiate an IP claim is vital when it comes to protecting your brand’s IP on Amazon. Here is a breakdown of the process:

Gather Evidence

Brand owners are required to gather evidence that backs up their claim, including:

  • Proof of ownership of the infringed IP (e.g., trademark registration certificate, copyright registration)
  • Product URLs, screenshots, or other evidence of the infringing Amazon listing
  • Anything else that could prove infringement, such as correspondence with the vendor

Submit the Claim

You can submit your IP claims through Amazon’s online portal. The form must be filled out accurately by the brand’s owner, who must describe the infringement in detail, provide proof, and state the desired outcome.

Amazon’s Review

Amazon reviews the claim and supporting evidence. They might contact the accused vendor to hear back from them and even ask the brand’s owner for more details.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Can I Tell if My IP Claim Is Legitimate?

Feel free to seek the advice of an intellectual property lawyer if you have any doubts regarding the merit of your claim. You can trust their expertise to evaluate your case, provide honest feedback on its merits, and point you in the right direction. They will also ensure that you do not file an unfounded claim. 

What Happens if the Accused Seller Disputes My Claim?

If the vendor responds with a counter-notice challenging your claim, Amazon reserves the right to request further details from either side. Amazon may seek the assistance of an impartial mediator or arbitrator if the matter is particularly complicated. Legal action away from Amazon’s platform may be required to settle some disputes.

Can I Prevent IP Infringement on Amazon?

No, you cannot entirely prevent IP infringement on Amazon. However, taking these steps can lessen the likelihood of infringement:

  • Register your IP to strengthen your legal position in case of infringement.
  • Keep an eye out for possible infractions on Amazon and other platforms by using online tools and services.
  • Consider using the brand registry program or other tools to better safeguard your brand on Amazon.


IP claims are a great tool to protect your brand’s image and fight infringement. Prompt and effective handling of IP claims can help stop others from using your work without your permission, protect your brand from damage, and keep the playing field fair for legitimate vendors. 

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