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How to Take Small Steps to Build A Great Health Foundation

How to Take Small Steps to Build A Great Health Foundation

How to Take Small Steps to Build A Great Health Foundation
How to Take Small Steps to Build A Great Health Foundation
Photo: Unsplash

Getting healthy can be overwhelming, especially if you feel you’ve ignored your well-being for long enough, so what’s the point? Still, it’s never too late to turn your health around, and there are a few techniques you could try to make things more manageable, and less intimidating to give you a bigger chance of enjoying your health journey. 

Shake Up Your Routine 

Shaking up your routine is a great way to explore different activities and healthy habits to see what sticks and makes you more comfortable and familiar with fitness or a well-being-focused lifestyle. 

Don’t feel too much pressure to stick to anything at the moment because you’re still in the discovery phase, so be as open and flexible as you can to see what you enjoy doing and build from there. 

Replace Bad Habits 

Bad habits can have a severe impact on your health. Smoking, drinking, fatty foods, or a sedentary lifestyle are all damaging in the long run, and the consequences can be hard to kick if you wait too long.

But, you also know that kicking bad habits can be tough. While some people find success going cold turkey, you can take another approach. If you’re trying to quit smoking, vape kits are a useful replacement as you try to wean yourself off nicotine. 

Focus On Your Diet 

Your diet will also catch up with you if you’re not careful. You can gain a lot of weight or experience other health issues, like heart disease or dental problems consuming too much sugar. 

You may not be ready to transform your diet overnight, and many people struggle to stick to it because they’re still addicted to fatty or sugary foods. Instead, try introducing vitamin-rich foods as a snack replacement. 

Go For a Walk 

Exercise is the cornerstone of any healthy lifestyle, but you will never get the benefits of this if you spend all day sitting on the sofa or even trapped in an office cubicle. You need more exercise to build a great health foundation but don’t assume you’re ready to run marathons or break the deadlift record. 

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Going for a walk is the easiest way to get more comfortable with exercise. You can gradually build your fitness and conditioning and then explore other workouts you might be more interested in, such as a sport or activity, running, or going to the gym. 

Set Yourself A Bedtime

Do you feel exhausted all the time? It’s because you don’t get enough sleep to feel fully rested. Setting a bedtime and sticking to it can help you develop healthier habits. You don’t need to go to bed at midnight each night, but you may need to wake up at 6 AM (or earlier) to get to work on time. 

You’re only damaging yourself by depriving yourself of a good night’s rest, so try going to sleep earlier and keep your phone out of reach so you’re not tempted to scroll. 


Building a great foundation for your health can be the difference between sticking to your changes and falling by the wayside again. You don’t need to make huge changes immediately, but small steps can put you in the best position to build later and discover how far you can go.

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