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How to Choose the Perfect Hotel for Your Wedding Night

How to Choose the Perfect Hotel for Your Wedding Night

How to Choose the Perfect Hotel for Your Wedding Night
How to Choose the Perfect Hotel for Your Wedding Night
Photo: Unsplash

When it comes to the most romantic gifts to give your newlywed, the best one is going to be a hotel. Just think about it; getting to stay at a hotel and unwind after the big day just feels refreshing. You don’t have to worry about cleaning up yourself; you don’t need to worry about breakfast; all of this is handed to you. Plus, what’s there not to love about the giant bathtubs and spa facilities offered at these hotels? 

They have a way of just making everything great. But before you can just pick the first hotel you see for your wedding night, it’s important to look thoroughly. You need to make sure you’re getting the perfect one to make your perfect night. So, here’s what to keep in mind when you’re choosing the perfect hotel for your wedding night. 

Do You Want This to Be Your Venue?

When it comes to some couples, they’ll want a hotel that’s also a wedding venue. This can actually be great, as you don’t have to leave the hotel for anything. You have the ceremony, celebration, and bedtime all under the same roof. So, to a degree, it can honestly make things extremely relaxing. So, is this something you’d be open to? But of course, if you have a certain wedding venue in mind and it doesn’t include a hotel, then, of course, you’ll need to have other considerations. 

How Important is the Location?

Obviously, it’s best to have this as close to your wedding venue as possible. Even if you’re celebrating the reception at a ceremony, then you’ll instead need to find a good restaurant. But regardless, after the reception, you’re going to need a good hotel, which is why location is important. 

You really shouldn’t have to bother with driving far or even riding far at all. Maybe twenty minutes tops, and that can still be considered fairly long. But overall, for your wedding night, it’s best to pick something that’s comfortable but still not far. You can be more selective when the honeymoon comes, and it can be as far away as you’d want. 

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Are The Special Packages?

Many hotels also offer special packages for newlyweds, which can include things like champagne and strawberries, music, fresh flowers, or fancy toiletries. Be sure to ask about these before booking your room! And if you have a room block booked for your wedding night, be sure to mention it to the front desk clerk when you check in — you might get an upgraded room or honeymoon suite!

Is there Late Checkout?

Usually, when it comes to booking the bridal suite, you can usually have a slightly later checkout but don’t instantly assume that’s the case. Check to see if the hotel has a late checkout option as well. You’ll be exhausted the morning after your wedding and may want to have time to sift through all of the awesome gifts you receive before heading off on your honeymoon. Plus, wedding receptions run late, and you’ll be getting there late too. You definitely deserve some extra sleep!

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