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7 Things You Absolutely Need For Your Wedding Day (That Are Not A White Dress)

7 Things You Absolutely Need For Your Wedding Day (That Are Not A White Dress)

7 Things You Absolutely Need For Your Wedding Day (That Are Not A White Dress)
7 Things You Absolutely Need For Your Wedding Day (That Are Not A White Dress)

Now don’t get me wrong, choosing The Dress is highly important and a big deal. It’s just that there are a few other things you’ll need to have at the ready on your big day as well. Luckily you can cross them off your wedding to-do list by reading on to find out what they are below. 

Sewing Kit 

The first thing that you’ll need for your wedding day is a sewing kit. Just a small one will do, like the ones you get when you stay in a fancy hotel. The purpose of a sewing kit is so you can fix any clothing malfunctions that may arise, and it’s worth noting that they often do. In particular, it’s common for the groom to lose a button from a shirt, jacket or waistcoat. 

For the bride, an embellishment can fall off the dress, or a button may come loose. With this in mind, it makes sense to ensure you have some thread in that kit that matches your dress and other wedding colours. A thimble is a good shout too because if you are sewing something back onto a corset or other heavy materials you don’t want to prick your finger and end up bleeding on it. 

Blister Plasters

Most brides spend a pretty penny on their wedding shoes for their big day. Yet, they are often more about the look of comfort. What this means is spending the whole day in them can result in foot pain and blisters which in turn can put a serious downer on your wonderful day.  

You can help avoid this by making sure you have some good-quality invisible blister plasters on hand during the day. If you don’t have a handbag to wear with your wedding dress you can ask one of your bridesmaids or a close family member to hold onto these for you. 

Chewing Gum 

Chewing gum is not something that you may first think of when it comes to weddings, but in fact, it can serve two important purposes. The first is that it can ensure that you have fresh breath for your first kiss and for greeting your guests. Just be sure to discreetly dispose of it before you start down the aisle. 

Another helpful thing about making sure you have some chewing gum to hand on your wedding day is that it can be very good for those experiencing nerves. Having something to chew on can help get rid of all that nervous energy and can be especially helpful for the groom as he waits for his bride to arrive. 

Lint Roller 

Guess what, white dresses attract all sorts of dust, dirt and debris, and that’s why it makes sense to have a lint roller on hand. Then if you end up picking up fluff from the luxurious carpets in your venue as you move, you can easily have one of your bridesmaids remove it so you look 100% for the reception and photos. 

Gifts For Your Entourage 

People will most definitely be giving you gifts on your wedding day, but it’s also traditional for you to provide gifts for some of the folks who attend your celebration as well. Usually, this extends to the bridesmaids, maid of honour, the groomsmen, the best man and the parents of both bride and groom. Give these gifts out during the speeches where you thank people for their help and involvement. 

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Wedding Insurance 

Another thing that you will definitely need for your wedding day is insurance. After all, you will have put a considerable amount of time and effort, not to mention money into planning your day so it makes sense to protect it. 

Wedding insurance provides this protection and can cover all sorts of potential scenarios such as severe weather, cancellation by the venue, sickness of the bride or groom, or even damage to the rings and attire. The key benefit of wedding insurance is that you can stop worrying about whether these things will happen or not, and know that if they do your investment will be covered. 

Copy Of The Vows 

While many couples learn their vows by heart, it’s pretty common to have your mind go blank once you are standing up there in front of all those people. That is why it makes a lot of sense to make sure you have a copy of your vows to read from. Be sure to print your vows off onto good-quality paper and give them to an usher to look after. Then if you do decide to use them, it will look like a part of the wedding that was planned anyway. 

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