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10 Tips For Using Fragrance Oils At Home

10 Tips For Using Fragrance Oils At Home

10 Tips For Using Fragrance Oils At Home
10 Tips For Using Fragrance Oils At Home
Photo by AdobeStock

Smell is a very powerful stimulus. Among all of the five senses, the smell is the most sensitive. Scent can elicit various sentiments and emotions. That’s why people like to be around places or people that smell good.

Traditionally, most households relied on air fresheners to eliminate smells and keep the air smelling fresh. However, fragrance oils have grown in popularity. There are typically more options to pick from, and you may mix different scent oils to create unique scents. Below are some tips for using fragrance oils at home. 

1. Use Baking Soda to Clean Carpets  

Baking soda is a substance with several applications. It’s often used in conjunction with other products to remove stubborn dirt and you can also use it to clean your carpet. Consider combining fragrance oils with baking soda to make the carpet smell great.

Grab a small container with baking soda, then add a few drops of your favourite essential oil to it. Allow the mixture to rest for at least 24 hours after thoroughly mixing it. You can then add this mixture to your carpet cleaner. If you don’t have baking soda, cornstarch could be a great replacement.

2. Sprinkle On Pillowcases and Sheets

Consider putting fragrance oils on your pillowcase and bamboo sheets to indulge in pleasant aromas while you sleep. Ideally, you should place it on the corners of each pillowcase and the sheets. You don’t want to use too much of it just in case it becomes overbearing.

Furthermore, it’d help if you exercise caution when using oils on white linens since they may get stained. You can use soft cotton wool to apply the fragrance oil. Alternatively, before sprinkling, combine the oil with a little water. Consider purchasing scents like lavender which are said to help you fall asleep much easier.

3. Use Scented Cotton Balls 

This is a subtle trick anyone can use to make their dresser smell nice and clean. Grab a few cotton balls, then soak them in your preferred scented oils. Then you place it in your closet or drawer. 

4. Use Reed Diffusers 

Reed diffusers are a simple technology. A small glass container holds the fragrance oil. The aroma is then diffused using reeds. The oil passes up these reeds and fills the room with a pleasant aroma. This may be a great feature to add to a minimalistic home.

5. Use Oil Burner 

Oil burners are also very easy to use. You need to pick a fragrance oil of your choice. Then, on top of the oil burner, add a few drops of oil, mix it with water, and light the candle. This water-and-oil combination will evaporate while also scenting the space as it burns.

6. Mask Foot Odor

Keeping your shoes smelling fresh is a tall task, especially if the shoes are sporty ones. You can cover this smell by adding drops of fragrance oil to the shoe. Alternatively, you could wipe the interior of your shoe with a paper towel soaked in the fragrance oil. However, note that if a foot infection causes the smell, fragrance oils may only help to a limited degree. 

7. Create Custom Air Freshener 

You can create your own air freshener by mixing different fragrance oils. Look for the fragrance or fragrances you wish to use. Then grab a spray bottle and add water to it. Add the oils to the water, then shake the mixture. You can then spray the mixture into the air. It’s as simple as that.

8. Rub Oil Onto the Light Bulb  

You may use cotton wool to add fragrance oil to a light bulb. When the bulb is turned on, the oil heats up and evaporates into the air, releasing its scent. It’s best not to use halogen light bulbs as they get excessively hot. You also need to be sparing with the amount of oil you apply because adding too much could produce an overwhelming scent. Furthermore, don’t allow the oil to reach the light bulb’s base.

9. Use It on Stationery 

Apply it on stationery to keep it smelling fresh and clean. Ideally, the aroma should permeate the stationery. Sprinkle a few drops on a paper towel. Then wrap the stationery with the towel and place it in a sealed bag. This will ensure that the stationery absorbs the scent. 

10. Add to Unscented Body Creams

Try adding fragrance oils to any unscented body lotion or shampoo you may have. Apply the amount of fragrance that corresponds to how loud you want it to smell. The scent will get stronger as you add more drops. However, be extremely careful not to use scents you’re allergic to.

10 Tips For Using Fragrance Oils At Home
Photo by AdobeStock


Fragrance oils have grown in popularity throughout the years. They are versatile because you can use them to make anything smell pleasant. That includes your linens, clothing, car, and home. Furthermore, you may use a variety of combinations to create distinct scents. 

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