Winter Skin Care Routine

As soon as we talk about winter, lovely images conjure up like a big sweater, a hot cup of hot chocolate with floating marshmallows on top, cosy blankets and Netflix.

But winter also brings along dry and cracked skin which feels like it has never seen the light of the day. That is why the winter skincare routine is so important for your skin.
You need to make sure that you are cleaning your face twice a day and properly moisturizing your skin for it to feel alive. Here are a few tips and tricks you can follow for the best winter skin:
Moisturize your skin
The primary rule for your skin during winter is to moisturize skin. Winters mean dry, cracked, and dull skin and there is nothing less comfortable than this feeling. So, make sure that you moisturize enough before your skin gets the cracks. Use toner and serum along with moisturizer to get that perfect glow on the skin and save your skin from dullness.
Have a lip care routine once a week
Winter comes along with chapped lips, which makes you feel extremely uncomfortable. So have a lip care session once every week during winters, exfoliate your lip, jelly lip mask and use lip serums. Keep a lip balm handy and use it whenever needed.
Don’t dry off your skin completely
After a shower, never completely dry your skin completely off, rather pat down your skin. Then apply moisturizer and lock in the moisture.
Do not physically exfoliate your skin too much
Physical exfoliation involves too much rubbing your skin using tools like brushes and sponges which can lead to drying of the skin. Therefore, too much exfoliation during such extreme weather can lead to cracks on the skin, which are not good for your skin’s health. Even if exfoliation is required, moisturize properly post exfoliation.
Keep the skin temperature low
Understandably, you would want to cosy up wearing a thermostat during winters, but the heat can dry out the skin. So, rather use multiple layers of sweaters or use a blanket to fight that chilly feeling.
Do not use too much hot water on you
This may sound fictional, but using too much hot water can exacerbate the dryness and can further crack your skin. If you want a hot water shower, then keep the temperature of the water on the warmer side rather than keeping it too hot.
Use an extra layer of moisturizer and toner
Whenever you plan to step out, use an extra layer of moisturizer to prevent your skin from drying and then use a proper toner to lock in the moisturizer.

Wear sunscreen
Even during winters, use sunscreen because sun rays can be equally damaging during winters, especially when it is being reflected from snow or ice. Therefore, a layer of sunscreen can provide a layer of protection from such rays.
Winter skincare can be tedious because getting out of your cosy blanket is a feeling which is hard to give up. Therefore, there are certain ingredients that you can add to your winter skincare routine like rose water, glycerin, hyaluronic acid, coconut oil, Aloe vera, green tea leaf extract, and jojoba oil. These ingredients are amazing moisturizing agents and can be very helpful during winters.
People call me Cath! Living the minimalist lifestyle and love minimalist style, beauty and wellness especially YOGA. So hardly support mental health matter of insecurities.