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How To Look Stylish With Stacked Bracelet Watches

How To Look Stylish With Stacked Bracelet Watches

Michael Kors Watch And Layered Bracelets
How To Look Stylish With Stacked Bracelet Watches

It’s actually was trending at couples time ago, but watch stacked bracelets still on top in accessory top list in fashion world. But it will be more stylish if you like to make another style, we mean it redone with a few extra accessories bracelet. A lot of ways use to serve as adding accessories of watch stacked bracelets. Example: crystal, leather and gold just up to us how to combine them to stacked bracelets.

What is Stacked Bracelet Watches?

Michael Kors Watch And Layered Bracelets
Michael Kors Watch And Layered Bracelets

Bracelets, beads, friendship bracelets, watches, cufflinks, studs … There are a lot of stuffs  to choose. Expert Stephanie mode Rygorsky suggest starting with a go-to set of five thin metal bracelet, and then mixing the different textures and colors depending on your outfit.

Watches are definitely welcome at an arm party. From a chunky women’s watch to a delicate, feminine timepiece, these touches add a sophisticated vibe to your overall stacked look.  As to where you place the watch, it all depends on your own style. “I personally mix my watch in the middle of my bracelets, and like to vary the textures of the baubles to include both metal and leather, string, or rope,” says Rygorsky.

How To Style Stacked Bracelet Watches?

  • If you’re not comfortable with your complete arm covered in jewelry, start with just a few pieces like dive watches. Rygorsky says an easy way to begin is by “stacking thin bangles in the same color family, or even all black and white bracelets.” And if you’re worried about the noise factor (metal bracelets tend to clang together), switch to “five or six multi-colored woven friendship or rope bracelets tied on one arm,” she says.
  • While you can try an all silver or all gold bangle look, don’t forget about the power of color. “Depending on how bold you are, you can incorporate one color element into an all-metal stacked bracelets, or you can go all out and mix and match several colors on one arm,” says Rygorsky.

Here for another picture for your inspirations:

Watch and Bracelet Layered
Watch and Bracelet Layered

Crystal and gold beaded bracelets is good for layering with the Donna Karan New York Watch.

Marc Jacobs Watch And Bracelets
Marc Jacobs Watch And Bracelets

Marc By Marc Jacobs Gold Watch layered bracelets with touch of pastel orange enamel.

Marc By Marc Jacob Watch And Bracelets
Marc By Marc Jacob Watch And Bracelets

Another Marc Jacob watch layered bracelets with gold theme.

Lovely Watch And Bracelet
Lovely Watch And Bracelet

Michael Kors also show stunning with layered crystal and pearl bracelets

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Layering Bracelet With Michael Kors Watch
Layering Bracelet With Michael Kors Watch

Guide how to pair watch layered bracelets.

Kate Spade Watch and Gold Bracelets
Kate Spade Watch and Gold Bracelets

Gold theme in Kate Spade’s watch layered bracelets.

Watch stacked Bracelets
Watch stacekd Bracelets

And the picture above explaining how to wear watch stacked bracelets in different style and accessories.

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