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Postnatal Care – Some Personal Hygiene Measures No One Ever Told You!

Postnatal Care – Some Personal Hygiene Measures No One Ever Told You!

Photo by Yan Krukov from Pexels
Postnatal Care - Some Personal Hygiene Measures No One Ever Told You!
Photo by Yan Krukov from Pexels

“The wisdom and compassion a woman can intuitively experience in childbirth can make her a source of healing and understanding for other women.”  –  Stephen Gaskin

Delivering a newborn is one of the triumphant and emotional experiences for a woman. But it’s one of the grossest too. There is no surprise that labor itself is all about sweat, unbearable pain, tears, and blood.

But this struggle doesn’t end at delivering the baby after hours of labor pain. You are also likely to experience hot flashes and pain in the postpartum period. Even as per Dr. Brain Shafa, you may see some unexpected changes in your body for weeks after delivery. There is a good chance that all of them may revolve around your personal hygiene.

Let’s dive into the personal hygiene practices to follow and feel better.

1 – Get help with spray bottles – A few weeks after childbirth may prove terrible for you in terms of your personal hygiene. It is because you have to deal with heavy blood flow each time you go to the bathroom. This can be understood as the worst phase of being on periods for weeks.

Here, practitioners recommend using a lukewarm water spray bottle to clean yourself thoroughly, as even a minor infection or allergy may hamper your personal health. It’s because the vaginal area is ultra-delicate for weeks after childbirth. Also, avoid using toilet paper as it may irritate you. Taking Probiotics for bacterial vaginosis is very helpful to help maintain vaginal health.

Postnatal Care - Some Personal Hygiene Measures No One Ever Told You!
 Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

2 – Undergo cosmetic treatments – The post-pregnancy vaginal lips grow more elongated. While you may be wondering of the possible reasons, relax as this can be restored with labiaplasty treatment. Cosmetic surgery treatments like labiaplasty by Dr. Brian Shafa works wonders in restoring your lower body’s aesthetic beauty.

Postnatal Care - Some Personal Hygiene Measures No One Ever Told You!
Instagram @drbrianshafa

Here, the major focal points are fixing the sagging tissues, removing discoloration, rejuvenating the distorted vaginal lips, etc. This gives you the confidence to wear your favorite tight-fitting clothes confidently once again.

3 – Prefer sitz bath – This is recommended only when you have given birth vaginally. Natural deliveries are common to make your vagina sore and delicate, irritating. Here, sitz baths help you heal your vaginal area while feeling eternal relaxation. This will make the vagina less sensitive, helping you use the loo more comfortably.

Postnatal Care - Some Personal Hygiene Measures No One Ever Told You!
Photo by Roberto Nickson on Unsplash

4 – Find an alternative to toilet paper – As per point one, you should prefer lukewarm water spray bottles to clean down there. Now when it comes to drying yourself, avoid using toilet paper or towels. This can be irritating. Rather prefer a blow dryer ( on a cool air setting, of course). This will save you from the obvious chances of infection. Make sure to hold the blow dryer at a distance for proper drying.

Postnatal Care - Some Personal Hygiene Measures No One Ever Told You!
Photo by Jasmin Sessler on Unsplash

Hope all of these will ease your struggle of being a new mother!

A little tip

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You may want to talk to your OB-GYN about after-pregnancy belly wraps. Pregnancy is a fulfilling journey. You get to nurture a life besides your own. Even so, pregnancy is also a painful experience. It changes your body in ways you didn’t think were possible. 

Have you ever thought about how a little human being could fit inside your womb? Well, your body undergoes the process of stretching and growing to accommodate your little cherub. As a result, you sometimes feel excruciating pain. After delivery, the pain lingers as your body recovers and returns to its original state. The postpartum pain can make it difficult for you to take care of yourself and your baby. 

Wearing a specialized belly wrap is one of the ways you can manage your postpartum pain. In particular, it helps your muscles and incision heal well. It also improves your blood flow.

The final line

No wonder that your little life deserves to have all your attention and pampering. But remember, you can be your best as a mother only when you are comfortable with your body changes. This makes it ultra-essential to take good care of your body. This begins with improving your hygiene measures.

The practices mentioned above may help you bring that difference you deserve and desire.

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