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How To Start The Conversation With Your Teen Who Deals With Anxiety

How To Start The Conversation With Your Teen Who Deals With Anxiety

How To Start The Conversation With Your Teen Who Deals With Anxiety
How To Start The Conversation With Your Teen Who Deals With Anxiety
Photo: Pexels

It can be difficult to talk to and help your teens because they are likely striving to gain independence and learn who they are. However, if your teens suffer from anxiety, you need to do more than find some child anxiety medication over the counter. These are ways you can start a conversation with your anxious teens.

Show They That They Are Not Alone

Many teens who suffer from mental health issues and anxieties feel that they are alone in their suffering. This makes them feel isolated and insecure. However, many teens suffer from anxiety, and your children should understand this. Share how you suffered in the past or currently suffer from anxiety.

Acknowledge Their Feelings

No matter how you feel about your teens’ anxiety, you need to acknowledge their feelings. You need to take them seriously or they won’t confide in you in the future and may feel even more alone and awkward. Even things you may think are minor are a big deal to your teen, and you should acknowledge and clarify their concerns.

Be Curious

Never assume anything when it comes to your children. Instead, ask how they feel and what they are struggling with. Bring up a recent event and ask why they reacted the way they did. However, do so without judgment.

Just ask questions and listen. Set aside time and go somewhere without Gather information. Show your teens that you are willing to listen and want to know what is going on in their lives.

Don’t stop at one conversation either. Instead, check in regularly. Make sure your teen understands that you are open to talking at any time.

Teach Your Kid About Anxiety

Your children need to understand what they are feeling and why. Therefore, teach your children about anxiety. Describe what worry is and the symptoms that they may experience. Talk about “what if” thoughts and worry about things that already happened. Show how these can be damaging to your teens.

You should also teach them about what can increase their anxiety, such as social media, unexpected situations, lack of sleep, drugs and alcohol, and other factors. As you work through your conversation, you can discuss other natural anxiety relief for kids .

Offer Reassurance

Your job is to support your teens. Therefore, you should offer reassurance during your discussions. Let them know that they can come to you any time they feel anxious, and you will help them. However, avoid excessive reassurance that promotes anxious behavior in the future or teaches them to rely on reassurance.

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Teach Coping Mechanisms

Your teens need to learn how to cope with and overcome their anxieties. Teach them breathing, visualization and mindfulness exercises. You can use aromatherapy as well. Get them involved in something else.

Exercise is especially beneficial. Also, give them a journal and teach them to write down their thoughts. Eventually, your teens should be able to recognize what triggers their anxieties.

If your child continues to struggle, get your child professional help from someone who can give you guidance on an ADHD and anxiety medication combination that could help.

The first step in helping your child cope with anxiety is communication. Therefore, consider these communication starters.

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