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Hate Your Body Hair But Hate Razors? Read On!

Hate Your Body Hair But Hate Razors? Read On!

Hate Your Body Hair But Hate Razors? Read On!
Hate Your Body Hair But Hate Razors? Read On!
Photo: Pexels

Your body hair and whether you keep it or lose it is up to you, but knowing how to do it without using razors is the best option if you are trying to ensure that you feel good in your body. Not everyone feels good when using razors, and while we know that the fastest body hair removal method is the razor, what do you do when you hate using one?

Razors aren’t for everyone. They can be sharp against sensitive skin, they can cut you easily if you’re not careful and they’re just not comfortable for all. However, if you don’t like to use them, you do have options. From laser hair removal to depilation, there are so many ways that you can remove your body hair that will help you to feel confident about how you look! Luckily, we know there are more than just razors out there. Here’s how you can remove body hair comfortably without using a razor:

1. Electric shavers

These are quite different to traditional razors as these are used in a way that removes hair comfortably while being close to the skin. You should only really use these on the face, however, as they can cause nicks and cuts to body hair. Also, some are waterproof and some are not, so be sure that you check your brand before you bring it to the bathroom.

2. Electric trimmers

Along the same vein of the electric options, trimmers are a good option for both body hair and facial hair. They’re not designed for a smooth finish, though, so if that’s what you’re looking for you might be disappointed. Choose to use trimmers to cut down body hair before a closer shave, but use these sparingly.

3. Scissors

If you have the time, small scissors can be used to trim longer body hair – especially in the pubic area. It can be easy to nick your skin with scissors, but you should be careful using them! Scissors can also take a lot of your time. 

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4. Waxing

This is one of the most popular options for hair removal and it’s for a good reason. The more you wax, the longer it takes for the hair to grow back. It thins the hair and the regrowth, and it works on larger areas of skin like legs and underarms. It also works well on eyebrows, upper lip and bikini line.

5. Laser hair removal

This is more of a medical procedure but if you need your body hair removed for an extended period of time, laser hair removal will do this. It can be an expensive option but it’s so worth it if you prefer to see your body hair gone for good! You will need to exfoliate before you have laser hair removal, and you should find someone you can trust to do it!

If you hate your body hair, you don’t have to keep it. Use these methods and let us know what works for you!

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