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Folliculitis vs Ingrown Hair: What Are the Differences?

Folliculitis vs Ingrown Hair: What Are the Differences?

Folliculitis vs Ingrown Hair: What Are the Differences?
Folliculitis vs Ingrown Hair: What Are the Differences?

At some point in our lives, we’re likely to have faced a pesky ingrown hair or two, making our skin noticeably red and itchy.

When this comes up, it can be difficult to tell if it’s simply an irritation or a more complex condition called folliculitis. The two conditions sound almost similar but can differ in several ways.

In this article, we’ll go through the main differences between folliculitis vs ingrown hair, so read on to discover how to tell them apart.

What is Folliculitis?

So, what is Folliculitis? It is a condition that results when hair follicles are damaged. These can happen for several reasons, including injury, infection, or irritation.

It can become inflamed and infected. In severe cases, folliculitis can also lead to permanent hair loss.

What Are Ingrown Hairs?

An ingrown hair is a hair that has curled back on itself and grown back into the skin. These can happen when the hair is cut too short or if it is not trimmed properly.

Ingrown hairs can be very painful and can cause swelling, redness, and bumps on the skin. If ingrown hair is not treated, it can lead to an infection.

Symptoms and Causes of Folliculitis

The main symptom of folliculitis is small, red bumps that develop around the hair follicles. The bumps may be itchy, sore, or filled with pus. In some cases, the bumps may turn into blisters or open sores.

It is usually caused by an infection, such as a bacterial or fungal infection. It can also be caused by physical trauma to the follicle, such as shaving or waxing, and an irritant or tight clothing.

Symptoms and Causes of Ingrown Hairs

Most commonly, ingrown hairs will appear as small, round bumps on the skin that are often red and irritated. In some cases, you may also see a small, pus-filled bump.

Ingrown hairs can occur on any area of the body that is shaved or waxed, but is most commonly seen on the face, neck, armpits, and pubic area. If you have ingrown hair, you may also experience itchiness, redness, and pain in the affected area.

Treatment For Folliculitis and Ingrown Hair

There is a range of treatments for folliculitis and ingrown hair, depending on the severity of the condition. Over-the-counter products containing benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid can be effective for mild cases.

More severe cases may require prescription antibiotics or antifungals. Laser hair removal may sometimes be recommended to prevent further infection.

You can also check out more information here. This clinic has a lot of treatments possible to give to a patient with those conditions.

All About the Differences Between Folliculitis vs Ingrown Hair Today

If you have a bump on your skin that is causing you discomfort, it is important to know the difference between folliculitis vs ingrown hair.

But if you are still unsure about your condition, it is best to consult with a healthcare provider. They all know those conditions and can also help you treat them immediately.

So, what are you waiting for? Choose the best healthcare clinic and schedule a consultation today!

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