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Breast Augmentation Surgery: What You Need to Know

Breast Augmentation Surgery: What You Need to Know

Breast Augmentation Surgery: What You Need to Know
Breast Augmentation Surgery: What You Need to Know

Did you know that in 2018, there are 313,000 breast augmentations performed in the United States, and have been increasing since then?

Breast augmentation procedure has been around for decades now. It is a popular cosmetic surgery and a growing number of women are having the surgery every year. This is a highly successful method of regaining breast volume that you used to have or adding some to your chest.

If you’re considering this surgery, we have the information you need.

Read on to learn more about breast augmentation surgery.

Pick the Right Surgeon

One of the most important things is choosing the right surgeon. Do your research and ask around for recommendations. Once you’ve found a few surgeons that you’re interested in, schedule consultations with each of them.

This is your chance to ask questions and get a feel for their bedside manner. Don’t make your decision based on price alone. You want to pick a surgeon that you feel comfortable with and who has a top plastic surgery practice.

Know the Specific Risks

As with any surgery, there are risks involved with breast augmentation. It is important to discuss these risks with your surgeon prior to undergoing the procedure. It will give you awareness of these risks before making the decision to have the surgery.

The following potential risks of breast augmentation surgery include:


The risk of bleeding is usually low, but it can occur. The most common type of bleeding is a hematoma, which is a collection of blood outside of the blood vessels. This can usually be treated conservatively with ice and compression.

If the hematoma is large, the surgeon may need to re-enter the operating room to remove the blood.


Infection can occur at the incision site or in the breast tissue. It is important to keep the incision site clean and dry to help prevent infection. If you develop a fever or increased pain, redness, or swelling at the incision site, you should contact your doctor.

Anesthesia Risks

One of the main risks involved is anesthesia-related complications. Some of the potential complications that can occur during or after surgery include allergic reactions, breathing problems, bleeding, blood clots, cardiac arrest, stroke, and even death. However, the majority of patients do not experience any serious complications and are able to have a better breast augmentation recovery.

Implant Leakage or Rupture

Implants may leak or rupture due to a number of reasons, including trauma, capsular contracture, or simply aging. If an implant leaks, the silicone gel or saline solution inside can leak into the surrounding tissue. This can cause pain, swelling, and other problems.

Prepare the Exact Cost

The cost can vary depending on the surgeon, the geographic location, and the type of implants used. In addition, you will need to factor in the cost of anesthesia and any post-operative care. Be sure to ask your surgeon for a detailed list of all costs associated with the procedure.

Most insurance companies do not cover the cost of cosmetic surgery, so you will need to pay for the procedure out-of-pocket. Be sure to ask your surgeon about financing options. Many surgeons offer financing plans that can help make the procedure more affordable.

Check the Types of Implants

Breast augmentation surgery is a popular cosmetic procedure to increase the size and improve the shape of the breasts. There are various types of breast implants available now, which give you more options to choose from. Each type of implant has its own unique set of benefits and drawbacks that you should be aware of.

There are three main types of breast implants:


They fill saline implants with sterile salt water. It is safe and effective, but there is a small risk of implant rupture.

If the implant ruptures, the saline will be absorbed by the body safely. There is also a small risk of infection and capsular contracture with this type of surgery.

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Silicone Gel

Silicone gel implants are the most popular type of implants used for breast augmentation. They’re composed of silicone, a rubber-like substance that is safe for use in the body. Silicone gel implants feel and look more like natural breasts than any other type of implant.

Gummy Bear

The newest type of implant and made of a thicker silicone gel that’s designed to hold its shape better than other types of implants. Gummy bear implants are increasingly popular as they offer a number of advantages and they tend to look more natural.

Determine the Incision Options

The incision is the long, thin scar that will leave behind after the surgery. It’s typically placed along the natural crease of the breast, in the armpit, or around the areola. The type of incision you have will determine by the type of implant you choose, the size of the implant, and your personal preferences.

The incision will close with stitches and will cover with a bandage. You will need to keep the area clean and dry to prevent infection. The following are the types of incisions:


They will only see this incision in the crease below the breast, and it’s the most popular choice for saline and silicone gel implants. It provides good access to the pocket and helps to minimize the visibility of the scar.


They made this incision in the armpit and is a good choice for patients who are concerned about scarring. It can be difficult to achieve precise placement of the implant with this approach, and implants may be more likely to ripple or visible through the skin.


They make this incision around the edge of the areola and is a good choice for patients who want to minimize scarring. However, it can be difficult to achieve this kind of implant placement, and there is a higher risk of affecting nipple sensation.

Understanding Breast Augmentation Surgery

If you are considering breast augmentation surgery, it is important to do your research and consult with the right board-certified plastic surgeon to ensure that you are a good candidate and you understand the potential risks, incision options, right costs and types of implants to choose. So, be the best version of yourself after the surgery.

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