All You Need To Understand About L.O.L Surprise Dolls

There is nothing that can make a child excited more than a fun toy. Dolls are a great choice for kids as they are always different and unique despite the presence of some similarities.Getting your kid a lol doll can make your child really happy and excited.
These dolls are all glamorous, colorful, and engaging for kids. The excitement begins even before the kid touches the doll. The packaging of the L.O.L. surprise dolls is made of seven layers. So, if you are still wondering about these trendy dolls, this article will help you understand more about them.
What are LOL surprise dolls?
Well, in this context, “L.O.L doesn’t mean “laughing out loud.” “L.O.L is an abbreviation for “Lil’ Outrageous Littles.” The dolls are surprising and fun on so many levels. For instance, you don’t really know what the doll you got looks like till you unwrap it. Also, the wrapping part is extremely fun as there are different layers (7 different layers). All the layers are made of non-transparent paper, so your kids will peel each layer without knowing what is waiting for them.

The basic features of LOL surprise dolls
There are different editions and series of L.O.L dolls. But there are some common features that give them their unique looks that aren’t found elsewhere. The dolls have been gaining ongoing success ever since. LOL dolls are famous for their really big eyes, small purses, sparkly accessories, and color-rich appearance. As for the size, the dolls are not big as their height won’t exceed 3 inches.
The dolls would cry, pee or change colours based on your kid’s preferences. This gives the play more value and joy. Also, the dolls are not designed randomly. In fact, each box of a doll series represents a theme. For instance, there are dolls sold under the Athletes’ Club. These dolls wear sporty outfits and come with relevant accessories. And the same applies to the rest of the themed boxes, or clubs, as the manufacturer calls these themes.
Different marketing strategies for L.O.L dolls created lots of success.
One of the reasons for the phenomenal popularity of these eye-catching figurines is the unboxing experience. It has even invaded the online world, as you can find countless unwrapping videos. These videos are still getting thousands of views. This was part of a clever marketing strategy that didn’t focus on traditional ads. In fact, the manufacturing company wanted to use the popularity of video content creators to promote their brand new dolls. So, the company sent its products to various influencers who are popular in the targeted demographic (kids). And this strategy has met with great success, which has translated into sales.

Reasons to purchase L.O.L surprise dolls for your children
L.O.L dolls can make your kids happy, and the best part is that you can share the fun with your kids too. So, here are a few reasons why you should consider buying LOL Surprise Dolls.
A way to share quality time with your kids.
It is important to play with your kids every day, even for a few minutes. More importantly, to share the playtime according to your kids’ preferences and needs. If your kid likes these sparkly toys, then you need to share this experience with them. You can use these toys to engage in an interesting playtime where you improvise a dialogue between different figurines.
A different activity to do in spare time
It is important to fill your kid’s free time with different activities. If you let your kids play outdoors, it is vital to encourage them to play in the house too. The dolls can make the kids play inside for quite some time, which can be a refreshing change for the little ones.
Improving your kid’s skills
The concept of unwrapping several layers can be good for your kid’s skills on many levels. For instance, it helps them become more patient as they work to peel off the entire opaque paper layers. Unwrapping the dolls can be a challenge for the little ones, and gradually they utilise their problem-solving skills to get to the small dolls behind several layers.
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